Tips for 913 Volleyball Parents
Why I Won't Pay for Club Volleyball
The Ride Home
Becoming A Better Volleyball Parent
Accessing Tournament Information
Tournament schedule information can be found on the HOA website under the tab “Junior Events —> Junior Tournament Calendar.” You will input your athletes age, division, and date of play to find your tournament information. This will show the pools and teams entered in the tournament and how brackets will be set up. Most schedules will be posted by the Wednesday before your tournament.
** Qualifier tournaments (MLK, ShowMe, etc) will use a different system for tournament information. Those will be sent out in GroupMe’s.
Accessing Rankings
To find your current HOA team ranking, head to the HOA website. From there, click the tab “Junior Girls & Boys —> Junior Rankings —> 2024-25 Girls Rankings.” From there, select Level, Division and press “View.”
College Recruiting
Is your athlete thinking about playing at the collegiate level? Click HERE for some general knowledge on where and how to begin. 913Athletics is hosting a nutrition and recruiting seminar on December 8th at 8pm at Homefield Courts. Join us in learning how your athlete could play at the next level!
Fieldlevel Account
Fieldlevel is a recruiting app where athletes, coaches, and teams connect, build relationships, and find opportunities to get to the next level. Once your athlete makes an account, let us know and we can get them built into our teams.
Recruiting Combines
Oftentimes, the night preceding a 3-day National Qualifier, there will be a “College Recruiting Combine” where athletes can go show off their skills to College coaches attending the tournament. Information/sign ups for these will be found within each Qualifier.